Sunday, August 19, 2012

Having all the Answers

I often write devotionals. Both for me, my friends, or my youth group. I found this one I wrote this past November on having all the answers...something I so often struggle with.

It feels good to have the answers. And if we don't have an answer, we can find out all we want to know instantly thanks to Google.
But some things-like faith-can't be instantly explained. We all have doubts. And sometimes, when we search for answers, the ones we find don't make sense.
Let's just admit it:  sometimes Christian faith feels shaky at best. Sometimes we Jesus-followers feel a lot like Thomas who declared, "I won't believe unless I see the nail wounds in His hands, put my finger into them and place my hand into the wound on his side" --John 20:25

On the outside we are confident in our faith, but inside we are desperate for proof. But is seeing always believing? Are your doubts genuine or are they a way of keeping you at a comfortable distance away from the risky, courageous way of living Jesus wants from you?
Can you believe in the middle of doubt? Can you say "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief" like in Mark 9:24 when a man was shaky in his belief?


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