Sunday, September 9, 2012


Nowadays time is such an important resource. I wish there was more time in the day...but in reality, if there was, I'd just have more things I would have to get done. Time to me is more important than money. I would rather give you $5 than five minutes of my time. There are so many things I could get done in those five minutes. Maybe you are the same way with your time? My time is so precious to me and so often I forget to share that time with God. I'm so caught up with this paper I have to write (speaking of which I have a 10-pager due soon...any takers??) or this meeting I have to go to, or my friends I want to hang out with that I forget to spend a moment with God every day. I've slacked SO much on that lately, especially since school has started back. God isn't a priority in my life right now, and I need to make Him one. I need to remember to constantly be in prayer with Him, to ask for His guidance, to immerse myself in the Word, and to take a moment to count each of my blessings.
What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?   What would you have?

On a side note, I want to add a little story.
This week many iPhone's had a glitch that made the alarms go off an hour earlier and such. Mine was one of the lucky ones to do that. Let me tell you, I was TICKED to find out it was 5:50 and I was awake when I didn't have to be. But a friend kindly reminded me that I'm blessed to have an alarm clock, blessed to have a job/school to have to wake up for, and most importantly, blessed to wake up in general. We take so much for granted here in America. So, maybe work sucks, or you have this really sucky paper you have to write...but at least you have a job, and you are able to go to school.

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