Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Unknown

The unknown is so unsettling. At my age especially. I don't know what my future holds. Quite frankly, it's terrifying. What if I never get married? What if I become homeless? Okay, a little dramatic, but still! I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what my future holds.

I often think how much easier life would be if I knew who I was going to marry. If I got a letter from God on my 18th birthday saying, "You're going to marry _______" Then, I wouldn't have to go through terrible relationships, I wouldn't have to get my heart broken, and I could go ahead and get started on my life. But that's not how it works. Why not? Why can't God just make it easy on us?

Because through all of those broken hearts and broken relationships we learn. We learn what we want and what we don't want. We learn about people and we learn about relationships. If we didn't get a chance to date those losers, we would never appreciate what we have when we found it. If God just told us, we would never have the freedom to choose...we would never make those mistakes. Mistakes stink, but they also allow us to better ourselves and our faith. If you go through a broken relationship and don't learn, you're wrong. That's the whole point of relationships:  to learn. To learn about ourselves, to learn to be less selfish, to learn how to live peacefully with one another.

Although I think it would save a lot of time, sanity, and tears, I wouldn't give up the things I have learned/will learn from relationships just to find out my future. Good has great plans for each of us as long as we trust in Him and His timing!



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