foreign (adj.)
not familiar; strange
in an abnormal place or position
Foreign is the best word I can possibly think of to describe my current situation. I truly feel like each day is a new, foreign matter to me. It's frightening, exhilarating, and downright interesting..
Ever since I can remember I have been a "crew leader" at my home church's Vacation Bible School. Bible School at my home church is a HUGE event. The Children's Minister has been nationally recognized for the huge, awesome Vacation Bible School that takes place at our church...100+ children attend and the entire church comes together to make it happen.
That being said, Tuesday begins my first ever Vacation Bible School as a leader. It's a foreign concept. Let me be the first to tell you, it's not easy. On top of that, I'm scared out of my mind. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RUN A VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL?! I'm terrified that it will flop, the children will learn nothing, and I will feel like a complete failure. Thank goodness God is on my side. Getting everything scheduled and planned and getting all the materials and remembering every little detail...its stressful. Today, I went to Wal-Mart and got pretty much everything I needed to successfully execute this Bible School. Guys, it's getting really really real. I am beyond excited about it!!!
Despite being stressed and scared out of my mind, I couldn't possibly love my job any more. How could it get any better? Part of my job is coloring and crafts...I get to bring out my inner child! Plus, I get to be surrounded by people that love the Lord, believe in me, encourage me, and love me. In addition to all of this greatness, I get to teach these wonderful children about the love and the peace and the grace of Jesus Christ. Nothing could be better.
Last week at church, another foreign matter...I began taking a more active role during the Sunday morning church service. Announcements, call to worship, and coming soon...communion. When my preacher began telling me all the things he wanted me to take part in, I remember saying, "You do know I'm only 18, right?" The trust my new church has in my is unbelievable. Each week, each task is new...its foreign.
Also, within two weeks I say goodbye to two of my greatest mentors. Scary. Foreign. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do at the church without Christy Jo to guide me..? I swear I'm going to be like a lost puppy for at least the first month.
We can't forget about beginning college, either. Yeah, I'd like to forget about it though... (Speaking of which, I have all my classes on Tuesday/Thursday...I'm pretty excited about that.)
Foreign to me is a lot like "change". Its new, its scary, but its worth it. God takes us on these crazy, amazing rides. I've learned more about myself, my faith, and my future in these last few, hectic, scary, exciting months than ever before. I've even come up with a new "motto" about it...."If you're doing something for God and aren't absolutely terrified, you are probably doing it wrong."
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