Friday, July 26, 2013

Broken Lamp

I'm can be very critical of myself. I'm very good at finding things I can't do well. Also, I think I could write several pages of criticism I've received from others on how I pursue and act upon different areas of my life. I often times just want to ignore all of the criticism I receive from others. I do that I feel because I think I know myself better than they do, so who are they to tell me how I should be living my life as a follower of Jesus? If my goal is to be the best Christian I can be, and doing to it not for the praise I receive from others; I must say I am not doing the best job. The truth of the matter is, that if I am ignoring the criticism, I must also ignore the praise I receive from others as well. I can't lie, it makes me feel good when I hear people tell me that I give them inspiration, or that I am someone they look up to. Without a doubt I find myself feeling pretty good after hearing all that. “You the man Andrew”, I seem to tell myself that a lot.

That is is an area that I am really trying to work on. I say that because I should not feel like I am someone's inspiration. Jesus should be, and there are times where I get the credit, and do not pass it along to its rightful place. Truth be told I'm just a 21 year old kid trying to do right in this world. I'm just a broken lamp that shines no light. One thing I can always rely and trust on is that the sun will rise up and give me light. I need to remember its the Son that brings brightness, not my broken bulb. All the glory should go to the creator of the light, because in the end, what's a broken lamp without any light?

God Bless,


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